Source code for bag.dump_mysql

r"""Utility module for the poor souls who have to deal with MySQL.

How to set this up on your server::

    sudo apt-get install python-setuptools virtualenvwrapper
    # Create a directory for this project
    mkdir ~/mysql-dumps; cd ~/mysql-dumps
    # Create a virtualenv and install the bag library in it
    mkvirtualenv -p `which python3` dumper
    pip install bag

Then edit a file called with more or less the following content.
The example assumes you are using WordPress; read it carefully::

    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    ""\"Backs up MySQL database once.""\"

    from datetime import datetime
    from bag.dump_mysql import DumpMySQL

    dumper = DumpMySQL.from_wordpress_config(
    destination_path = str(datetime.utcnow())[:19] + '.sql.gz'

    # It is also possible to send the backup to an S3 bucket,
    # but please remember to secure access to the bucket:
    result = dumper.copy_to_s3(
        destination_path, aws_id='REDACTED', aws_secret='REDACTED',
        aws_region='REDACTED', bucket_name='production-db-backups')

Give permission for the above script to be executed::

    chmod +x

Run the script once to test it::


If it is working, create a shell script, called ``, for cron to call::

    cd /home/deployer/mysql-dumps
    # Run under the appropriate virtualenv:

Give permission for the above shell script to be executed::

    chmod +x

Then add a cronjob for it with the command `crontab -e`::

    # Minute Hour Day Month Weekday Command
    07       */8  *   *     *       /home/deployer/mysql-dumps/ > /tmp/crondump 2>&1
    # The above creates a database backup every 8 hours.

from subprocess import check_call
from bag.log import setup_rotating_logger
from bag.pathlib_complement import Path

[docs]class DumpMySQL: """Dumps MySQL database to SQL file. Can send the file to an S3 bucket.""" def __init__( self, database, user, password, host="localhost", dump_command_path="/usr/bin/mysqldump", log_directory=".", ): """Constructor.""" = host self.database = database self.user = user self.password = password self.dump_command_path = dump_command_path self.log = setup_rotating_logger( "dump_mysql", size=50 * 1000 * 1000, directory=log_directory )
[docs] def get_dump_cmd(self, destination_path, gzip="gzip"): """Return list/command to dump this environment's database to SQL.""" alist = [ self.dump_command_path, "--skip-extended-insert", "--protocol=tcp", "-h" +, "-u" + self.user, "-p" + self.password, self.database, ] if gzip: alist.append("|") alist.append(gzip) alist.append(">") alist.append("'" + str(destination_path) + "'") return alist
[docs] def dump(self, destination_path, gzip="gzip"): """Actually perform the database dump. When you create a gzipped dump, you can read it like this:: zcat path/to/my-dump.sql.gz | less """ self.log.debug("Starting MySQL dump.") alist = self.get_dump_cmd(destination_path, gzip) check_call(" ".join(alist), shell=True)"File created: {}".format(destination_path))
[docs] @classmethod def from_wordpress_config( cls, config_path="./wp-config.php", encoding="utf-8", **kw ): """Read WordPress configuration file to get database credentials.""" import re def wp_setting(name): return re.compile(r"define\('{}', '([^']+)'\)".format(name)) with open(config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = return cls( host=wp_setting("DB_HOST").search(content).group(1), database=wp_setting("DB_NAME").search(content).group(1), user=wp_setting("DB_USER").search(content).group(1), password=wp_setting("DB_PASSWORD").search(content).group(1), **kw )
[docs] def copy_to_s3( self, path, aws_id, aws_secret, aws_region, bucket_name, namespace="" ): """Send the file ``path`` to an S3 bucket.""" self.log.debug("Sending to S3 bucket...") # # from botocore.exceptions import ClientError # pip install boto3 from boto3.session import Session # pip install boto3 session = Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret, region_name=aws_region, ) s3 = session.resource("s3") bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) if namespace and not namespace.endswith("/"): namespace = namespace + "/" with open(path, "br") as content: result = bucket.put_object(Key=namespace + Path(path).name, Body=content) return result