Source code for bag.replace_many

#! /usr/bin/env python3
"""A simple command to replace text in many files, without regular expressions.


    replace_many -d DIRECTORY '.py,.jinja2' 'text being sought' 'replacement text'

from argh import ArghParser, arg  # pip install argh

from bag.pathlib_complement import Path

[docs]@arg("extensions", help="Comma-separated file extensions to search") @arg("text", help="The text being sought") @arg("replace", help="The replacement text") @arg("dir", help="Directory to be walked") def replace_many( extensions: str, text: str, replace: str, dir: str = ".", ): """Replace text in multiple files.""" directory = Path(dir).resolve() assert directory.is_dir(), "*dir* must be a directory, not a file." exts = tuple((e.strip() for e in extensions.split(","))) print(f"Replacing in {directory}:") for path in directory.glob("**/*.*"): # files only (not dirs) strpath = str(path) if not strpath.endswith(exts): continue # print(f" - {strpath[len(str(directory)):]}") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as src: content = replaced = content.replace(text, replace) if content != replaced: print(f" - {strpath[len(str(directory)):]}") with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as dest: dest.write(replaced)
def _command(): # parser = ArghParser(description=replace_many.__doc__) parser.set_default_command(replace_many) parser.dispatch() if __name__ == "__main__": _command()