Source code for bag.sqlalchemy.tricks

"""Functions that help define SQLAlchemy models."""

import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, ForeignKey, Sequence
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref as _backref, class_mapper, ColumnProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import CollectionAttributeImpl, ScalarObjectAttributeImpl
from sqlalchemy.orm.dynamic import DynamicAttributeImpl
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, DateTime, Unicode

from bag.settings import resolve
from bag.web.exceptions import Problem
from ..web import gravatar_image

CASC = "all, delete-orphan"

[docs]def now_column(nullable: bool = False, **k) -> Column: """Return a DateTime column that defaults to utcnow.""" return Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=nullable, **k)
[docs]def get_col(model, attribute_name): """Introspect the SQLAlchemy ``model``; return the column object. ...for ``attribute_name``. E.g.: ``get_col(User, 'email')`` """ return model._sa_class_manager.mapper.columns[attribute_name]
def _get_length(col): return None if col is None else getattr(col.type, "length", None)
[docs]def get_length(model, field): """Return the length of column ``field`` of a SQLAlchemy ``model``.""" return _get_length(get_col(model, field))
[docs]def col(attrib): """Return the column that stores an ``attrib`` of a model. Given a sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute (type of the attributes of model classes), return the corresponding column. E.g.: ``col(`` """ return[0]
[docs]def length(attrib): """Return the length of the ``attrib``.""" return _get_length(col(attrib))
[docs]def fk( attrib, nullable=False, index=True, primary_key=False, doc=None, ondelete="CASCADE" ): """Return a ForeignKey column while automatically setting the type.""" assert ondelete in ( "CASCADE", # Creates ON DELETE CASCADE "SET NULL", # Creates ON DELETE SET NULL None, # Creates ON DELETE NO ACTION, with more runtime errors ) column = col(attrib) return Column( column.copy().type, ForeignKey(column, ondelete=ondelete), doc=doc, index=index, primary_key=primary_key, nullable=nullable, )
[docs]def fk_rel( cls, attrib="id", nullable=False, index=True, primary_key=False, doc=None, ondelete="CASCADE", backref=None, order_by=None, lazy="select", ): """Return a ForeignKey column and a relationship. Automatically sets the type of the foreign key. Usage:: # A relationship in an Address model pointing to a parent Person: person_id, person = fk_rel(Person, nullable=False, index=True, backref='addresses', ondelete='CASCADE') A backref is created only if you provide its name in the argument. ``nullable`` and ``index`` are usually ommited, because these are the default values and they are good. ``ondelete`` is "CASCADE" by default, but you can set it to "SET NULL", or None which translates to "NO ACTION" (less interesting). If provided, ``order_by`` is used on the backref. To load the backref greedily, use ``lazy='joined'`` as per You may also pass an ``attrib`` which is the column name for the foreign key. """ # from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship if ondelete == "CASCADE": cascade = CASC passive_deletes = True else: cascade = False # meaning "save-update, merge" passive_deletes = False return ( fk( getattr(cls, attrib), nullable=nullable, index=index, primary_key=primary_key, doc=doc, ondelete=ondelete, ), relationship( cls, backref=_backref( backref, cascade=cascade, passive_deletes=passive_deletes, order_by=order_by, lazy=lazy, ), ) if backref else relationship(cls), )
[docs]def many_to_many(Model1, Model2, pk1="id", pk2="id", metadata=None, backref=None): """Easily set up a many-to-many relationship between 2 existing models. Return an association table and the relationship itself. Usage: customer_user, Customer.users = many_to_many(Customer, User, pk2='__id__') """ from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship table1 = Model1.__tablename__ table2 = Model2.__tablename__ col1 = col(getattr(Model1, pk1)) col2 = col(getattr(Model2, pk2)) type1 = col1.copy().type type2 = col2.copy().type metadata = metadata or Model1.__table__.metadata association = Table( table1 + "_" + table2, metadata, Column( table1 + "_id", type1, ForeignKey(table1 + "." +, nullable=False, index=True, ), Column( table2 + "_id", type2, ForeignKey(table2 + "." +, nullable=False, index=True, ), ) backref = backref or table1 + "s" rel = relationship(Model2, secondary=association, backref=backref) return association, rel
[docs]def pk(tablename: str) -> Column: """Return a primary key column.""" # The type must be Integer for Sequences to work, AFAICT. # Maybe this problem is in Python only? return Column( Integer, Sequence(tablename + "_id_seq"), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True )
[docs]def is_model_class(val) -> bool: """Return whether the parameter is a SQLAlchemy model class.""" return hasattr(val, "__base__") and hasattr(val, "__table__")
[docs]def models_and_tables_in(arg) -> Tuple[List, List]: """Return 2 lists containing the model classes and tables in ``arg``. ``arg`` may be a resource spec, a module or a dictionary:: models, tables = models_and_tables_in(globals()) """ if not isinstance(arg, dict): arg = resolve(arg) # ensure arg is a python module arg = arg.__dict__ models = [o for o in arg.values() if is_model_class(o)] tables = [o for o in arg.values() if isinstance(o, Table)] return models, tables
[docs]def model_property_names( cls, whitelist=None, blacklist=None, include_relationships=True ): """Return the property names in the passed class, maybe filtered.""" names = (str(n).split(".")[1] for n in cls.__mapper__.iterate_properties) filtered = [] for name in names: if blacklist and name in blacklist: continue if whitelist and name not in whitelist: continue if not include_relationships and isinstance( getattr(cls, name).impl, (CollectionAttributeImpl, DynamicAttributeImpl, ScalarObjectAttributeImpl), ): continue filtered.append(name) return filtered
[docs]def foreign_key_from_col(col): # I don't know how there would ever be more than one item in this, so: for fk in col.foreign_keys: # foreign_keys is, strangely, a set return fk
[docs]def foreign_keys_in(cls): filtered = {} for name in model_property_names(cls, include_relationships=False): a_set = getattr(cls, name).expression.foreign_keys for fk in a_set: # I don't understand why there would ever be more than one item # in this, so: filtered[name] = fk break return filtered
[docs]def persistent_attribute_names_of(cls): """Return a list of the names of the persistent attributes of ``cls``. ...except collections. """ # return [x for x in dir(cls) if isinstance( # getattr(cls, x), InstrumentedAttribute)] return [ prop.key for prop in class_mapper(cls).iterate_properties if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty) ]
[docs]class MinimalBase: """Declarative base class that auto-generates __tablename__.""" __table_args__: Union[dict, tuple] = { "mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mysql_charset": "utf8", } @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): """Convert CamelCase class to underscores_between_words table name.""" name = cls.__name__.replace("Mixin", "") return name[0].lower() + re.sub( r"([A-Z])", lambda m: "_" +, name[1:] )
[docs] def update(self, adict, transient=False): """Merge dictionary into this entity. Optionally check that the keys exist. """ for k, v in adict.items(): if not transient: assert hasattr( type(self), k ), "Model {} does not have a '{}' attribute.".format( type(self).__name__, k ) setattr(self, k, v) return self
[docs] def update_from_schema(self, schema, adict): """Validate ``adict`` against ``schema``; return updated entity. Validates the information in the dictionary ``adict`` against a Colander ``schema``. If validation fails, colander.Invalid is raised. If happy, returns the updated model instance. """ schema._model_instance = self # makes some validations easier clean = schema.deserialize(adict) # May raise colander.Invalid self.update(clean) return self
[docs] def clone(self, values=None, pk="id", sas=None): """Return a clone of this model. Optionally update some of its ``values``. Optionally add the clone to the ``sas`` session. The name of the primary key column should be given as ``pk``. Although in general model methods should not use the session, the recursive nature of this one seems to require it. """ attrs = persistent_attribute_names_of(self.__class__) adict = {} for attr in attrs: adict[attr] = getattr(self, attr) if pk: del adict[pk] if values: adict.update(values) clone = self.__class__(**adict) if sas: # Optionally add the clone to the SQLAlchemy session sas.add(clone) return clone
[docs]class ID: """Mixin class that includes a primary key column "id".""" @declared_attr def id(cls): """Primary key column for your model.""" return Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
[docs]class Names: """Mixin class that includes 2 ways to handle a person's names.""" @declared_attr def full_name(cls): # noqa return Column(Unicode(120), nullable=False) @declared_attr def short_name(cls): # noqa return Column(Unicode(16), nullable=False) @property def display_name(self): # noqa return self.short_name or self.full_name @property def formal_name(self): # noqa return self.full_name or self.short_name
[docs]class AddressBase: """Base class for addresses. In subclasses you can just define ``__tablename__``, ``id``, the foreign key, and maybe indexes. """ # __tablename__ = 'customer' # pk = pk(__tablename__) street = Column("street", Unicode(160), default="") district = Column("district", Unicode(80), default="") city = Column("city", Unicode(80), default="") province = Column("province", Unicode(40), default="") country_code = Column("country_code", Unicode(2), default="") postal_code = Column("postal_code", Unicode(16), default="", doc="Zip code")
# kind = Column(Unicode(1), default='', # doc="c for commercial, r for residential") # charge = Column(Boolean, default=False, # doc="Whether this is the address to bill to.") # comment = Column(Unicode, default='')
[docs]class EmailParts: """Mixin class that stores an email address in 2 columns. One column contains the local part, another contains the domain. This makes it easy to find emails from the same domain. Typical usage: .. code-block:: python class Customer(SABase, EmailParts): __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('email_local', 'email_domain', name='customer_email_key'), {}) """ email_local = Column("email_local", Unicode(160), nullable=False) email_domain = Column("email_domain", Unicode(255), nullable=False) @hybrid_property def email(self): """Get or set the entire email, in Python or in the RDBMS.""" return self.email_local + "@" + self.email_domain @email.setter def set_email(self, val): self.email_local, self.email_domain = val.split("@") if not self.email_local: raise Problem("Missing the local part of the email address.") if not self.email_domain: raise Problem("Missing the domain part of the email address.")
[docs] def gravatar_image( self, default: str = "mm", size: int = 80, cacheable: bool = True, ) -> str: """Return the URL for the gravatar image for this email address.""" return gravatar_image(, default=default, size=size, cacheable=cacheable )
[docs]def commit_session_or_transaction(sas) -> None: """Not sure if using the transaction package or not? No problem.""" try: sas.commit() except AssertionError as exc: if str(exc) == "Transaction must be committed using " "the transaction manager": import transaction transaction.commit() else: raise
[docs]class SubtransactionTrick: """Encloses your code in a subtransaction. Good for writing tests. Usage:: trick = SubtransactionTrick(my_engine, sessionmaker) # Be sure to use the session provided as the ``sas`` variable: my_session = # Finally, call ``close()`` to roll back the changes: trick.close() """ def __init__(self, engine, sessionmaker): """Constructor. - ``engine`` should be a completely configured SQLAlchemy engine. - ``sessionmaker`` should be a session factory that can be bound to a specific connection. """ self.connection = engine.connect() # begin a non-ORM transaction self.transaction = self.connection.begin() # Base.metadata.bind = connection # bind an individual Session to the connection if hasattr(sessionmaker, "query"): # scoped session detected sessionmaker.configure(bind=self.connection) = sessionmaker else: # not a scoped session = sessionmaker()(bind=self.connection)
[docs] def close(self): """Roll back everything that happened with the session. ...including calls to commit(). """ self.transaction.rollback()
# self.connection.close()