Source code for bag.web.exceptions

"""Exceptions for web development."""

[docs]class Problem(Exception): """Great exception class for application-level errors. Service (or "action") layers should be independent of web frameworks; however, often I feel I want the service layer to determine the HTTP code returned by a web service, instead of the controller layer. So I raise this exception in the service layer and capture it in the controller layer. Very useful when coupled with the `ajax_view decorator <>`_, which does the capture part. When developing a user interface of any kind, it is great when all the webservices respect a standardized interface for returning errors. This class outputs these fields by convention: - error_msg: the string to be displayed to the end user - error_title: by default the HTTP error title - error_debug: should NOT be shown to end users; for devs only """ HTTP = { # # TODO Complete this map with the remaining 4xx and 5xx # 4xx Client error 400: "Bad request", 401: "Unauthorized", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not found", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 413: "Request entity too large", 422: "Unprocessable entity", # 5xx Server error 500: "Internal server error", } def __init__( # noqa self, error_msg, status_int=400, error_title=None, error_debug=None, **kw ): self.status_int = int(status_int) assert str(self.status_int)[0] in ("4", "5") kw["error_title"] = error_title or self.HTTP[self.status_int] kw["error_msg"] = error_msg kw["error_debug"] = error_debug = kw
[docs] def to_dict(self): # noqa return
@property def error_msg(self): # noqa return["error_msg"] @property def error_title(self): # noqa return["error_title"] @property def error_debug(self): # noqa return["error_debug"] def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}>".format(type(self).__name__, self.error_msg) def __str__(self): return self.error_msg
[docs]def ensure(condition, *a, **kw): """Use an assert-like syntax to raise Problem exceptions.""" if not condition: raise Problem(*a, **kw)
[docs]class Unprocessable(Exception): """Exception that mimics Colander's Invalid. ...because both have an ``asdict()`` method. However, this one can be instantiated without a schema. Example usage:: if not data.get('user_email'): raise Unprocessable(user_email='This field is required.') """ def __init__(self, **adict): # noqa self.adict = adict
[docs] def asdict(self): # noqa return self.adict