Source code for bag.web.pyramid.kajiki

"""Kajiki integration for Pyramid.

This module allows the Kajiki templating language --
-- to be used in the Pyramid web framework --

To enable the pyramid_kajiki extension, do this:

.. code-block:: python


Once the template loader is active, add the following to the
application section of your Pyramid application’s .ini file::

    # ... other stuff ... = myapp:templates
    kajiki.extensions = .kajiki .genshi .html

The Kajiki FileLoader class supports searching only one directory for
templates. If you want a search path, you must roll your own.
If you do... let us know.

from bag.settings import asbool
from zope.interface import implementer
from pyramid.interfaces import ITemplateRenderer
from pyramid.resource import abspath_from_resource_spec

from warnings import warn
warn('Kajiki now has kajiki.integration.pyramid!', DeprecationWarning)

[docs]@implementer(ITemplateRenderer) class KajikiTemplateRenderer(object): def __init__(self, info): self.loader = info.registry.kajiki_loader
[docs] def implementation(self): return self
def __call__(self, value, system): """ ``value`` is the result of the view. Returns a result (a string or unicode object useful as a response body). Values computed by the system are passed in the ``system`` parameter, which is a dictionary containing: * ``view`` (the view callable that returned the value), * ``renderer_name`` (the template name or simple name of the renderer), * ``context`` (the context object passed to the view), and * ``request`` (the request object passed to the view). """ Template = self.loader.import_(system['renderer_name']) try: system.update(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError('KajikiTemplateRenderer was passed a ' 'non-dictionary as value.') t = Template(system) return t.render()
[docs]def renderer_factory(info): """*info* contains: :: name = Attribute('The value passed by the user as the renderer name') package = Attribute('The "current package" when the renderer ' 'configuration statement was found') type = Attribute('The renderer type name') registry = Attribute('The "current" application registry when the ' 'renderer was created') settings = Attribute('The ISettings dictionary related to the ' 'current app') """ registry = info.registry settings = info.settings if not hasattr(registry, 'kajiki_loader'): from kajiki import FileLoader registry.kajiki_loader = FileLoader( base=abspath_from_resource_spec(settings['']), reload=asbool(settings.get('reload_templates')), force_mode=asbool(settings.get('kajiki.force_mode')), autoescape_text=asbool(settings.get('kajiki.autoescape')), ) return KajikiTemplateRenderer(info)
[docs]def includeme(config): """Set up Kajiki templating for the configured file extensions.""" if hasattr(config, 'bag_kajiki_included'): return # Include only once per config config.bag_kajiki_included = True settings = config.get_settings() extensions = settings.get('kajiki.extensions', '.kajiki').split() for extension in extensions: config.add_renderer(extension, renderer_factory)