Source code for bag.web.pyramid.resources

"""Construction kit for Pyramid resource classes.

Example usage::

    from bag.web.pyramid.resources import (
        BaseRootResource, BaseResource, IntResource,
        ancestor, ancestor_model, model_property)
    from pyramid.decorator import reify
    from import (Allow, Deny, Everyone, Authenticated,
    from .models import User, Address

    class RootResource(BaseRootResource):
        __acl__ = [
            (Allow, "group:admin", ALL_PERMISSIONS),
            (Allow, Authenticated, ("view_dashboard", "edit_users")),
            (Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS),
        factories = {}  # a static registry of Resource classes

    class UserResource(IntResource):  # /users/1/
        factories = {}  # a static registry of Resource classes

        def model(self):
            return sas.query(User).get(self.__name__)

        def __acl__(self):
            user_id = self._request.authenticated_userid
            return [(
                Allow, f"u:{user_id}", self.model.get_permissions(user_id)

    class UsersResource(BaseResource):  # /users/
        contains_cls = UserResource

        def models(self):
            return sas.query(User)

    RootResource.factories["users"] = UsersResource

    class AddressResource(IntResource):  # /users/1/addresses/1
        factories = {}  # a static registry of Resource classes
        model = model_property(sas, Address, user=User)

    class AddressesResource(BaseResource):  # /users/1/addresses
        contains_cls = AddressResource

        def models(self):
            return ancestor_model(self, User).addresses

    UserResource.factories["addresses"] = AddressesResource

from bag import first
from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound

[docs]def ancestor_finder(resource, predicate, include_self=False): """Generate ancestors that satisfy ``predicate``. Generator that climbs the tree yielding resources for which ``predicate(current_resource)`` returns True. """ resource = resource if include_self else getattr(resource, "__parent__", None) while resource is not None: if predicate(resource): yield resource resource = getattr(resource, "__parent__", None)
[docs]def ancestor(resource, cls, include_self=False): # noqa """Return the first ancestor of ``resource`` that is of type ``cls``.""" def predicate(resource): return isinstance(resource, cls) return first(ancestor_finder(resource, predicate, include_self))
[docs]def ancestor_model(resource, cls, include_self=False): # noqa """Find in ancestors a model instance of type ``cls``. The search is done in the ``model`` attribute of the ancestors of ``resource``. Returns None if not found. """ def predicate(resource): return hasattr(resource, "model") and isinstance(resource.model, cls) o = first(ancestor_finder(resource, predicate, include_self)) return o.model if o else None
[docs]def find_root(resource): """Find and return the root resource.""" return ancestor(resource, type(None))
[docs]def model_property(sas, model_cls, **ancestors): # noqa """Return a property that checks ancestor IDs. If you are using SQLAlchemy, this function returns a model property that checks some ancestor ID(s) against its foreign key(s). Example usage:: class AddressResource(BaseResource): model = model_property(sas, Address, user=User) """ def wrapped(self): o = sas.query(model_cls).get(self.__name__) if o is None: raise HTTPNotFound() for key, cls in ancestors.items(): if not getattr(o, key) is ancestor_model(self, cls): raise HTTPNotFound() return o return reify(wrapped)
[docs]class BaseRootResource: """Base class for your Root resource.""" __name__ = "" __parent__ = None def __init__(self, request): # noqa self._request = request def __repr__(self): return "<{}>".format(type(self).__name__) def _make_descendant(self, factory, name): o = factory() o._request = self._request o.__parent__ = self if hasattr(o, "validate_name"): o.__name__ = o.validate_name(name) else: o.__name__ = name return o def __getitem__(self, name): if hasattr(self, "contains_cls"): return self._make_descendant(self.contains_cls, name) elif hasattr(self, "factories"): return self._make_descendant(self.factories[name], name) raise KeyError(name)
[docs]class BaseResource(BaseRootResource): """Base class for Pyramid traversal resources. Subclasses may define a static ``factories`` dict, used to map URL elements to other resource classes or factories. This is useful for any resource whose children fork into separate trees. Subclasses may also represent collections, such as /books/. These subclasses must define a ``contains_cls`` attribute, whose value is to be the contained resource class. For a subclass representing a single model instance ― e. g. /books/1/ ―, you can implement a ``model`` property; then a descendant view such as /books/1/authors/ may call ``ancestor_model(Book)``, which will find the ancestor and return the ``model`` property value. Example:: @reify def model(self): return sas.query(Book).get(self.__name__) """ def __init__(self): """Construct without arguments.""" def __str__(self): return '<{} "{}">'.format(type(self).__name__, self.__name__) def __repr__(self): alist = [] for element in reversed( list(ancestor_finder(self, lambda resource: True, include_self=True)) ): alist.append(str(element)) return " / ".join(alist)
[docs]class IntResource(BaseResource): """Base class for resources whose name must be an int, e.g. /books/1."""
[docs] def validate_name(self, name): # noqa try: return int(name) except ValueError: raise KeyError(name)