Source code for keepluggable.actions

"""The base Action class."""

from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Iterable

from bag.web.exceptions import Problem
import colander as c
from kerno.typing import DictStr

from keepluggable.exceptions import FileNotAllowed
from keepluggable.orchestrator import Orchestrator

[docs]class BaseFilesAction: """Action class that coordinates the workflow. You are likely to need to subclass this. To enable this action, use this configuration:: action_cls = keepluggable.actions:BaseFilesAction """ def __init__(self, orchestrator: Orchestrator, namespace: str) -> None: """Instantiate an action for one request.""" self.orchestrator = orchestrator self.namespace = namespace self.config: DictStr = orchestrator.action_config
[docs] class Config(c.Schema): """Validated configuration for BaseFilesAction. - ``max_file_size`` (int): the maximum file length, in bytes, that can be uploaded. When zero, the system does not have a maximum size. Default: 0. - ``allow_empty_files`` (boolean): whether to allow zero-length files to be uploaded. Default: false. - ``cls_update_metadata_schema`` (dotted resource spec): Colander schema that validates metadata being updated. Without it, no validation is done, which is unsafe. So it is recommended that you implement a schema. """ max_file_size = c.SchemaNode(c.Int(), validator=c.Range(min=0), missing=0) allow_empty_files = c.SchemaNode(c.Bool(), missing=False) cls_update_metadata_schema = c.SchemaNode( c.GlobalObject(package=None), missing=None )
[docs] @classmethod def get_config(cls, settings: DictStr) -> DictStr: """Stuff called by the orchestrator at startup.""" return cls.Config().deserialize(settings)
[docs] def store_original_file(self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, repo: Any, **metadata) -> DictStr: """Point of entry into the workflow of storing a file. You can override this method in subclasses to change the steps since it is a sort of coordinator that calls one method for each step. The argument *bytes_io* is a file-like object with the payload. *metadata* is a dict with the information to be persisted in the metadata storage. """ assert metadata["file_name"] # This is not a derived file such as a resized image. metadata["version"] = "original" self._compute_file_metadata(bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata) # In the case of images, keepluggable can be configured to not store # the original, but it still must be checked for duplicates self._check_for_existing_file(bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata, repo=repo) # Hook for subclasses to allow or forbid storing this file # by raising FileNotAllowed self._allow_storage_of(bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata) self._store_versions(bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata, repo=repo) return self._complement(metadata)
def _compute_file_metadata( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: """Override this method in subclasses to populate the file metadata.""" self._guess_mime_type(bytes_io, metadata) self._compute_length(bytes_io, metadata) self._compute_md5(bytes_io, metadata) def _guess_mime_type( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: """Discover the MIME type from the uploaded file extension. Otherwise just keep the browser-provided mime_type (less reliable). If necessary, one might override this to use instead. """ from mimetypes import guess_type file_name = metadata["file_name"] typ = None if file_name.endswith((".HEIC", ".HEIF", ".heic", ".heif")): typ = "image/heic" # because Ubuntu 2020 is lacking this MIME type else: typ = guess_type(file_name)[0] # might be None again if typ: metadata["mime_type"] = typ # else keep the value provided by the browser. def _compute_length( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: from bag.streams import get_file_size metadata["length"] = get_file_size(bytes_io) def _compute_md5( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: from hashlib import md5 two_megabytes = 1048576 * 2 the_hash = md5() the_length = 0 while True: segment = if segment == b"": break the_length += len(segment) the_hash.update(segment) metadata["md5"] = the_hash.hexdigest() previous_length = metadata.get("length") if previous_length is None: metadata["length"] = the_length else: assert ( previous_length == the_length ), "Bug? File lengths {}, {} " "don't match.".format( previous_length, the_length ) # it can be read again def _allow_storage_of( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: """Override this method if you wish to abort storing some files. To abort, raise FileNotAllowed with a message explaining why. """ maximum = self.config["max_file_size"] if maximum and metadata["length"] > maximum: raise FileNotAllowed( "The file is {} KB long and the maximum is {} KB.".format( int(metadata["length"] / 1024), int(maximum / 1024) ) ) if not self.config["allow_empty_files"] and metadata["length"] == 0: raise FileNotAllowed("The file is empty.") def _store_versions( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, repo: Any, ) -> None: """In this base class, just call _store_file(). But most subclasses will have a complex workflow for storing versions. """ metadata["versions"] = [] self._store_file(bytes_io, metadata, repo) def _check_for_existing_file( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, repo: Any, ) -> None: # Hook for subclasses to deviate if the file already exists if hasattr(self, "_handle_upload_of_existing_file"): existing = self._file_already_exists(metadata) if existing: self._handle_upload_of_existing_file( # type: ignore[attr-defined] bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata, existing=existing, repo=repo, ) # TODO We should roll back any versions stored in AWS # In fact, we should validate everything before sending any def _file_already_exists(self, metadata: DictStr) -> DictStr: """Return existing file with the same md5 in the namespace, or None.""" return self.orchestrator.storage_metadata.get_entity( namespace=self.namespace, key=metadata["md5"] ) def _store_file( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, repo: Any, ) -> None: """Save the payload and the metadata on the 2 storage backends. The arguments contain either the file being uploaded, or the versions of it that we create (e. g. image sizes). But first we check for duplicates of the file being stored. """ self._check_for_existing_file(bytes_io=bytes_io, metadata=metadata, repo=repo) storage_file = self.orchestrator.storage_file storage_file.put(namespace=self.namespace, metadata=metadata, bytes_io=bytes_io) try: self._store_metadata(bytes_io, metadata) except Exception: storage_file.delete(namespace=self.namespace, metadatas=[metadata]) raise def _store_metadata( self, bytes_io: BinaryIO, metadata: DictStr, ) -> None: self.orchestrator.storage_metadata.put( namespace=self.namespace, metadata=metadata )
[docs] def delete_file(self, key: str) -> None: """Delete a file's metadata and payload, including derived versions.""" # Obtain the original file. sm = self.orchestrator.storage_metadata original = sm.get(namespace=self.namespace, key=key) if original is None: raise Problem("The file was not found.", status_int=404) # We are deleting the original and its versions. metadatas = [v for v in original["versions"]] metadatas.append(original) # Delete the payloads self.orchestrator.storage_file.delete(self.namespace, metadatas) # Delete metadata entities # sm.delete_with_versions(self.namespace, original['md5']) for metadata in metadatas: sm.delete(self.namespace, metadata["md5"])
[docs] def gen_originals(self, filters=None) -> Iterable[DictStr]: """Yield the original files in this namespace. ...optionally with further filters. """ # This implementation queries the DB once rather than thousands: universe = list( self.orchestrator.storage_metadata.gen_all(self.namespace, filters=filters) ) originals = {f["id"]: f for f in universe if f["version"] == "original"} for f in originals.values(): f["versions"] = [] for adict in universe: if adict["version"] == "original": continue originals[adict["original_id"]]["versions"].append(adict) for f in originals.values(): f["versions"].sort(key=lambda fil: fil["image_width"]) """OLD IMPLEMENTATION: (The above is equivalent to this:) originals = self.orchestrator.storage_metadata.gen_originals( self.namespace, filters=filters)""" for fil in originals.values(): yield self._complement(fil)
def _complement(self, metadata: DictStr) -> DictStr: """Add the links for downloading the original file and its versions.""" url = self.orchestrator.storage_file.get_url # Add the main *href* metadata["href"] = url(self.namespace, metadata) # Also add *href* for each version for version in metadata["versions"]: version["href"] = url(self.namespace, version) return metadata def _validate_metadata_for_updating( self, adict: DictStr, ) -> DictStr: cls_update_metadata_schema = self.config["cls_update_metadata_schema"] if cls_update_metadata_schema is not None: schema = cls_update_metadata_schema() adict = schema.deserialize(adict) return adict
[docs] def update_metadata( self, id: int, adict: DictStr, ) -> DictStr: """Replace the metadata for key *id* with *adict*.""" return self._complement( self.orchestrator.storage_metadata.update( self.namespace, id, self._validate_metadata_for_updating(adict), ), )