Source code for kerno.dataclass


import dataclasses

[docs]def add_slots(cls): """Add __slots__ to a dataclass, making it leaner and faster.""" # Need to create a new class, since we can't set __slots__ # after a class has been created. # Make sure __slots__ isn't already set. if "__slots__" in cls.__dict__: raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__} already specifies __slots__") # Create a new dict for our new class. cls_dict = dict(cls.__dict__) field_names = tuple( for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)) cls_dict["__slots__"] = field_names for field_name in field_names: # Remove our attributes, if present. They'll still be # available in _MARKER. cls_dict.pop(field_name, None) # Remove __dict__ itself. cls_dict.pop("__dict__", None) # And finally create the class. qualname = getattr(cls, "__qualname__", None) cls = type(cls)(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls_dict) if qualname is not None: cls.__qualname__ = qualname return cls