Source code for kerno.kerno

"""The Kerno class."""

from types import MappingProxyType  # which behaves like a FrozenDict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from kerno.event import EventHub
from kerno.typing import DictStr

[docs]class Kerno: """Core of an application, integrating decoupled resources. The Kerno instance is used at runtime; at startup it is instantiated by the "Eko" configurator. """ def __init__( self, settings: Dict[str, Dict], const: Optional[DictStr] = None ): """Construct. The ``settings`` are a dict of dicts.""" self.settings = settings self.utilities: MappingProxyType[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}) self.const = const or {} # The app should put global constants here = EventHub()