Source code for kerno.web.pyramid.typing

"""Pyramid typing stubs so we can write annotated views."""

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

from kerno.kerno import Kerno
from kerno.repository.sqlalchemy import BaseSQLAlchemyRepository
from kerno.state import UIMessage
from kerno.typing import DictStr

JSON_primitives = Union[DictStr, List[Any], str, int, float]

[docs]class MultiDictStub(dict): """Typing stub for webob.multidict.MultiDict."""
[docs] def getall(self, key: str) -> List[JSON_primitives]: """Return a list of all values matching key (may be an empty list)."""
[docs] def getone(self, key: str) -> JSON_primitives: """Get one value matching the key. May raise KeyError."""
[docs]class RegistryStub: # zope/interface/ """Typing stub for a Pyramid registry object.""" settings: DictStr
[docs] def registerUtility( self, component=None, provided=None, name="", info="", event=True, factory=None, ): """Register a Pyramid utility."""
[docs] def getUtility(self, provided, name=""): """Retrieve a Pyramid utility."""
[docs] def queryUtility(self, provided, name="", default=None): """Retrieve a Pyramid utility."""
[docs] def notify(self, *arg, **kw): # TODO Fill arguments better """Broadcast a Pyramid event."""
[docs]class PyramidSession: """Typing stub for a Pyramid session object."""
[docs] def invalidate(self) -> None: # noqa ...
[docs] def flash(self, msg, queue: str = "", allow_duplicate: bool = True) -> None: # noqa ...
[docs] def pop_flash(self) -> List[Any]: # noqa ...
[docs]class PyramidResponse: """Typing stub for Pyramid response objects.""" charset: str status: str status_int: int content_length: int content_type: str headers: DictStr body: bytes
[docs]class PyramidRequest: """Typing stub for pure Pyramid request objects.""" method: str path: str path_info: str path_qs: str path_url: str url: str context: Any identity: Any # Pyramid 2.0+ # unauthenticated_userid: Union[int, str] # deprecated in Pyramid 2.0 # authenticated_userid: Union[int, str] # deprecated in Pyramid 2.0 # effective_principals: List[str] # deprecated in Pyramid 2.0 client_addr: str exception: Optional[Exception] json_body: JSON_primitives GET: MultiDictStub POST: MultiDictStub params: MultiDictStub matchdict: DictStr response: PyramidResponse registry: RegistryStub body: bytes accept_language: Any cookies: DictStr session: PyramidSession
[docs] def route_path(self, route_name: str, *elements, **kw) -> str: """Generate a relative URL for a named Pyramid route."""
[docs] def static_path(self, path: str, **kw) -> str: """Generate a relative URL to a static resource."""
[docs]class KRequest(PyramidRequest): """Typing stub for a Pyramid/kerno request object. It is recommended that you subclass with a more specific typing annotation for the ``user`` instance variable. """ kerno: Kerno repo: BaseSQLAlchemyRepository user: Any
[docs] def add_flash(self, **kw) -> UIMessage: """Add a flash message to the current Pyramid session."""