Source code for kerno.web.to_dict

"""A setup so you can have many, powerful to_dict() implementations.

Our main objective is to **remove any JSON concerns from model classes**.
These should NOT contain ``as_dict()`` implementations because the system
may need multiple converters for the same model -- for instance,
with varying fields, verbosities, levels of detail,
optional inclusion of related entities etc.

**It is bad if AVerySpecificModel.as_dict() needs a different signature**
to accept a parameter that all the other as_dict() methods do not need.

Here is the solution:

By using `Reg <>`_ we now have a
``to_dict(obj, flavor='', **kw)`` function that dispatches
on the type of ``obj`` and ``flavor``. This allows you to register
more than one implementation (with a "flavor" name) for each of your
model classes.

In order to understand this, you need to know what Reg does:
multiple dispatch.

Our to_dict() function also has a default implementation, so it can be used

This way you can create a situation in which::

    to_dict(Address, flavor="")  # calls one implementation, and
    to_dict(Person, flavor="")  # calls another implementation, and
    to_dict(Person, flavor="table")   # calls yet another implementation.

If the user code omits the *flavor* argument, the default one -- whose
value is an empty string -- gets used.

And because our ``to_dict()`` accepts keyword arguments, you can create
a very powerful version of it, that can take such arguments as
a repository, a user object, the current date etc.

Please see a usage example in
`our tests <>`_.

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date, datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Any, Iterable, Sequence
from warnings import warn

import reg

    "to_dict will be removed in a future version of kerno. "
    "Use jsonright instead.",

[docs]def keys_from(obj: Any) -> Iterable: """Return the names of the instance variables of ``obj``.""" return obj.__dict__.keys()
[docs]def only_relevant(keys: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[str]: """Ignore strings that start in dunder ("__") or in "_sa_". These are usually keeping SQLAlchemy state. """ return filter( lambda key: not key.startswith("__") and not key.startswith("_sa_"), keys, )
[docs]def excluding(blacklist: Sequence, keys: Iterable) -> Iterable: # noqa return filter(lambda k: k not in blacklist, keys)
[docs]def reuse_dict( obj: Any, keys: Iterable = (), for_json: bool = True, sort: bool = True, **kw, ) -> OrderedDict: """Dump the instance variables of ``obj`` into an OrderedDict. This function is reusable and free of Reg dispatch. If the ``for_json`` flag is True, convert certain types. If the ``sort`` flag is True, sort the OrderedDict. """ amap: OrderedDict[str, Any] = OrderedDict() kk = keys or excluding(("password",), only_relevant(keys_from(obj))) if sort: kk = sorted(kk) for key in kk: val = getattr(obj, key) # TODO Probably should treat Python types elsewhere! if for_json and (isinstance(val, datetime) or isinstance(val, date)): amap[key] = val.isoformat() elif for_json and isinstance(val, Decimal): amap[key] = float(str(val)) elif for_json and not isinstance( val, (str, int, float, list, dict, bool, type(None)) ): continue else: amap[key] = val return amap
[docs]@reg.dispatch( # Dispatch on type of *obj* and value of *flavor*. reg.match_instance("obj"), reg.match_key("flavor", lambda obj, flavor, **kw: flavor), ) # Cannot type-annotate this function, Reg 0.11 does not support it def to_dict(obj, flavor="", **kw): """Overloadable version of our function ``reuse_dict``. You can register your own implementations depending on *obj* and *flavor*. """ return reuse_dict(obj, **kw)
""" Ideas ----- - Use a JSON serializer without tree traversal, but support Python data types such as datetime - convert datetime to {"_T": "Date", "val": "..."}... NO. Convert to string and the client must know that such and such attributes must be converted to Date. Maybe provide the mapping (or even JS code) as another string? - provide SQLAlchemy converter based on mine -- No, because - Convert trees of objects - optionally provide "_typ" in output... but better as a property of a collection? Other JSON related projects --------------------------- jsonplus has "exact" and "compat" serializers: morejson converts to and from stdlib types: Annoying declarative API, but achieves a lot: Outside my scope and purpose, but probably great ------------------------------------------------ jsonpickle does arbitrary trees (which we don't really want). """