Source code for pluserable.actions

"""The **action** layer is also called "service" layer.

It stands between the model layer and the view layer.
It is the heart of an application and contains its business rules.

This is because MVC/MVT is insufficient for large apps. Views should
be thin.  Business rules must be decoupled from the web framework.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

from bag.reify import reify
from kerno.state import MalbonaRezulto, Rezulto
from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
from pyramid_mailer.message import Message

from pluserable import const
from import ActivationRezulto, TUser, UserRezulto
from pluserable.exceptions import AuthenticationFailure
from pluserable.strings import get_strings, UIStringsBase
from pluserable.web.pyramid.typing import UserlessPeto

[docs]def create_activation(request, user): # TODO Lose *request* argument """Associate the user with a new activation, or keep the existing one. Also send an email message with the link for the user to click. """ repo = request.repo if user.activation is None: Activation = request.kerno.utilities[const.ACTIVATION_CLASS] activation = Activation() repo.add(activation) user.activation = activation repo.flush() # The application can configure a function that sends the email message. send_activation_email = request.kerno.utilities["pluserable.send_activation_email"] send_activation_email(request, user)
[docs]def send_activation_email(request, user): """Send an extremely simple email message with the activation link. Although this works fine, most apps will want to build a personalized email message and send it via celery or something else asynchronous. """ strings = get_strings(request.kerno) message = Message( subject=strings.activation_email_subject, recipients=[], body=strings.activation_email_plain.replace( "ACTIVATION_LINK", get_activation_link(request,, code=user.activation.code), ), ) mailer = get_mailer(request) mailer.send(message)
[docs]def send_reset_password_email(request, user): """Send an extremely simple email message with a link. Although this works fine, most apps will want to build a personalized email message and send it via celery or something else asynchronous. """ username = ( getattr(user, "short_name", "") or getattr(user, "full_name", "") or getattr(user, "username", "") or ) strings = get_strings(request.kerno) body = strings.reset_password_email_body.format( link=get_reset_link(request, code=user.activation.code), username=username, domain=request.application_url, ) subject = strings.reset_password_email_subject message = Message(subject=subject, recipients=[], body=body) mailer = get_mailer(request) mailer.send(message)
[docs]class UserlessAction: """Base class for our actions.""" def __init__(self, upeto: UserlessPeto): # noqa self.upeto = upeto @reify def _strings(self) -> UIStringsBase: return get_strings(self.upeto.kerno)
[docs]class CheckCredentials(UserlessAction): """Business rules decoupled from the web framework and from persistence.""" @property def _require_activation(self): return self.upeto.kerno.pluserable_settings["require_activation"]
[docs] def q_user(self, handle: str) -> Optional[TUser]: """Fetch user. ``handle`` can be a username or an email.""" if "@" in handle: return self.upeto.repo.get_user_by_email(handle) else: return self.upeto.repo.get_user_by_username(handle)
def __call__(self, handle: str, password: str, ip: str) -> UserRezulto: """Get user object if credentials are valid; also prevent brute force.""" # First check redis for this IP to stop brute force attacks bruteforce_aid = self.upeto.kerno.utilities["brute force class"]( kerno=self.upeto.kerno, ip=ip ) seconds, error_msg = bruteforce_aid.is_login_blocked() if error_msg: raise AuthenticationFailure(error_msg) # Brute force check passes, so now check the credentials. user = self.q_user(handle) # IO try: self._check_credentials(user, handle, password) except AuthenticationFailure as exc: # If the credentials are wrong, store the IP in redis exc.seconds = bruteforce_aid.store_login_failure() raise exc assert user user.last_login_date = datetime.utcnow() rezulto: UserRezulto = UserRezulto(user=user) return rezulto def _check_credentials( self, user: Optional[TUser], handle: str, password: str ) -> TUser: """Pure method (no IO) that checks credentials against ``user``.""" if not user or not user.check_password(password): raise AuthenticationFailure( self._strings.wrong_email if "@" in handle else self._strings.wrong_username ) if self._require_activation and not user.is_activated: raise AuthenticationFailure(self._strings.inactive_account) return user
[docs]class ActivateUser(UserlessAction): # noqa def __call__(self, code: str, user_id: int) -> ActivationRezulto: """Find code, ensure belongs to user, delete activation instance.""" activation = self.upeto.repo.get_activation_by_code(code) if not activation: raise MalbonaRezulto( status_int=404, title=self._strings.activation_code_not_found_title, plain=self._strings.activation_code_not_found, ) user = self.upeto.repo.get_user_by_id(user_id) if not user: raise MalbonaRezulto( status_int=404, title=self._strings.user_not_found_title, plain=self._strings.user_not_found, ) if user.activation is not activation: raise MalbonaRezulto( status_int=404, title=self._strings.activation_code_not_match_title, plain=self._strings.activation_code_not_match, ) self.upeto.repo.delete_activation(user, activation) ret = ActivationRezulto() ret.user = user ret.activation = activation # TODO My current flash messages do not display titles # ret.add_message( # title=self._strings.activation_email_verified_title, # plain=self._strings.activation_email_verified) return ret