Source code for pluserable.strings

"""Strings for easy internationalization."""

from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory
from pluserable import const
from kerno.web.pyramid import IKerno

_ = TranslationStringFactory("pluserable")

[docs]def get_strings(reg): """Return the configured Strings class.""" if hasattr(reg, "getUtility"): # reg must be a Zope/Pyramid registry reg = reg.getUtility(IKerno) # otherwise reg gotta be the Kerno: return reg.utilities[const.STRING_CLASS]
[docs]class UIStringsBase: """A class containing all GUI strings in the application. User apps can simply subclass and change whatever text they want. """ activation_check_email = _( "Thank you for registering! Please check your e-mail now. You can " "continue by clicking the activation link we have sent you. " "If you do not receive an e-mail in the next 5 minutes " "please check your spam folder!" ) activation_code_not_found_title = _("Activation code not found") activation_code_not_found = _( "That activation code cannot be found in the system. Maybe you " "already used it -- in this case, just try logging in. If you cannot, " '(from the login page) click on "Forgot password" to set a password ' "and activate your user." ) activation_code_not_match_title = _("Code and user do not match") activation_code_not_match = _("That code does not belong to that user.") activation_email_subject = _("Please activate your account!") activation_email_plain = _( "Please validate your email and activate your account by visiting:\n" "ACTIVATION_LINK\n\nThe above link is only valid for one use, so " "after this process you can delete this email message." ) activation_email_verified_title = _("E-mail verified!") activation_email_verified = _( "Your e-mail address has been verified. " "Thank you!" ) login_button = _("Log in") login_done = _("You are now logged in.") logout_done = _("You have logged out.") login_is_blocked = _( "Your login attempt was ignored. You must wait {seconds} seconds " "(until {until} UTC) before retrying. This wait helps prevent " "brute force attacks on your password. The waiting time is " "exponentially increased each time the credentials are found incorrect." ) wrong_email = _("Wrong email or password.") wrong_username = _("Wrong username or password.") inactive_account = _("Your account is not active; please check your e-mail.") edit_profile_email_present = _( "That email address ({email}) belongs to another user." ) edit_profile_done = _("Your profile has been updated.") email_domain_blocked = _("The domain {} is not acceptable.") registration_email_exists = _( "Sorry, an account with the email {} already exists. Try logging in instead." ) registration_username_exists = _( "Sorry, an account with this username already exists. " "Please enter another one." ) registration_done = _("You have been registered. You may log in now!") reset_password_done = _("Your password has been reset!") reset_password_email_must_exist = _( 'We have no user with the email "{}". ' "Try correcting this address or trying another." ) reset_password_email_body = _( """\ Hello, {username}! Someone requested resetting your password. If it was you, click here: {link} If you don't want to change your password, please ignore this email message. Regards, {domain}\n""" ) reset_password_email_subject = _("Reset your password") # You don't want to say "E-mail not registered" or anything like that # because it gives spammers context: reset_password_email_sent = _( "Please check your e-mail to finish resetting your password." ) username_may_not_contain_at = _("May not contain this character: @") user_not_found_title = _("User not found") user_not_found = _("That user cannot be found in the system.") unacceptable_characters = _("Contains unacceptable characters.")